
You told me to check in with you on Wednesday…I haven’t had a cigarette! Last night and tonight I had moments of wanting to go buy them, but I am quickly able to talk myself out of it. I have not used the stress relief tools that much. It’s when I get home with kids for the day. I feel like I’m going to scream, but my husband has been super supportive and makes me laugh about it. He has stepped up and helped more with our kids the last few days so I can walk away from the noise when I need to.

I’ve been listening to the recording before bed. (Just once because I don’t know how to make it repeat)

I start my morning with tapping. Then I go straight to the bathroom to get ready for work. I’ve been waking up a little earlier, and not smoking so I don’t feel rushed which is really nice!

During the day I am aware of the times that I would normally have a cigarette, but I don’t feel like I need one. I just take a deep breath of fresh air and smile!

I try to remember to do positive affirmations. And I’ve been trying to remember to do the “Amazing” technique with my two fingers. I try to make sure to do that one when I’m feeling proud that I have not smoked.

I am so proud of you too!!!!

Change your Mind ~ Change your Life.

Kenda Summers, the Hypnotherapist of choice for people seeking a better life today!