Hypnosis can be used for pain control due to cancer and cancer treatments / side effects related to chemotherapy or radiation treatments, as well as reducing stress and anxiety before procedures.
Hypnosis has a long history of use for pain management, as well as in assisting patients to prepare for medical procedures.
Often hypnosis can provide added benefits for conditions such as neuropathic cancer pain where opioids and other medical treatments have not been found to be totally effective when used alone. There is now emphasis on integrating hypnosis along with traditional medical treatments for chronic pain conditions.
Sessions can be done virtually to keep everyone safe and healthy – if you need help during these trying times don’t be afraid to reach out, lets discuss your needs. All you need is a good internet connection.
Be Well, Stay Healthy
Change your Mind ~ Change your Life.
Kenda Summers, the Hypnotherapist of choice for people seeking a better life today!