If you have been struggling to get rid of excess weight the Best Western, Dubuque is the place to be Nov 7, 2019. Hypnosis can develop stronger will power, reduce urges to over eat, and more effectively manage the underlying reasons for weight issues.
Are you ready? Come join us Nov 7 @ 5:30.
If you have been wanting to quit smoking / vaping or chewing tobacco, the Best Western is the place to be. Hypnosis can minimize urges, deal with stress, combat the underlying reasons why you smoke, vape, or chew all while increasing your will power, without gaining weight.
Are you ready? Come join us Nov 7 @ 7:30.
Best Western – 3100 Dodge Street, Dubuque, IA
Price per person $49.95
Every program includes a hypnosis reinforcement recording and there will be no up sells for supplements.