Have you tried everything you can to lose weight but none of the diets out there seem to work for you; not even when you add exercise to them? Has the thought of throwing the towel in and doing something drastic like the Gastric Band operation crossed your mind? The Gastric Band operation, costs 35k, its purpose is to reduce the size of the upper portion of your stomach so that you become fuller faster. But often with these programs there is little or no psychological support as to why you are eating the way you do. So very often guess what, that operation you paid so much money for was only a temporary fix and now the weight is back.
Call me and let’s talk about the Virtual Gastric Band program I offer that can help you. This 4 session program changes the way you look and feel about food. We use the unconscious mind to do all the work, and through hypnosis convince it that a Gastric Band has actually been fitted to the upper portion of your stomach, and the body behaves as if that band was physically present.
This, in turn, allows you to eat much less and feel completely satisfied. You can even leave food on your plate because you won’t feel like you are missing out. You can enjoy the foods you currently enjoy and still lose weight.
Change your Mind ~ Change your Life. Kenda Summers, the Hypnotherapist of choice for people seeking a better life today in the Tri State area!