April 25th Wand Enterprises, is excited to be bringing back their weight loss and stop smoking programs to Dubuque.

These two life changing seminars that will be held at the Best Western on Wednesday, April 25th. Weight loss @ 6:00 pm and Smoking cessation is at 8:00 pm. For just $49.95 you can quit smoking and/or takeoff weight with Kenda Summers and AnnaRose Anderson, Certified Professionals who are qualified, experienced, and who’s only job is Hypnosis and helping people.

Hypnosis is a safe, effective and inexpensive way to quit smoking and or lose weight.

Best Western 3100 Dodge Street – Wednesday, April 25th. Weight session at 6:00 p.m. and smoking at 8:00 p.m. Price $49.95.

Change your Mind so you can Change your Life!

For more information please call: 815.747.6954